questions to ask close friends sorted by


60 Best Questions To Ask Friends

— Have you ever accidentally broken your pants in a public place? So, whether it's during the act of foreplay or sex itself, tell your partner what you appreciate about them, especially sexually.

107 Deep Questions to Ask Your Friends (And Connect Deeply)

This is because deep discussions give us a better perspective.

325 YES or NO questions (funny, uncomfortable, for friends, )

— Have you been cruel or mean to someone on occasion? If you had a career besides your own, what would it be? Never have I ever had a crush on a friend's S.

200 Questions to Ask Friends (to Get to Know Them BETTER)

What Can I Do to Strengthen the Trust Between Us? Use "conversational threading" to avoid awkward silence• Here is some deep, personal question to ask:•.

50 Deep Questions To Ask Someone To Know Them Better

If you could spend a day with your younger self, what would you do? -When are you in bad hair, do you prefer to be left alone? -Have you ever fantasized about the father or mother of one of your friends? What is the biggest lie you told someone? Do you believe in the existence of aliens — specifically intelligent life on other planets? What would be a perfect life for you? Here are some examples of deep questions that you can ask a guy: "What is your greatest accomplishment in life so far? If so, is there anything you think you can do to get there? Never have I ever not studied for a test• Awkward Yes or no questions — Have you ever been seen and despised for giving off a bad smell in a public place? — Have you gone out into the street in pajamas? -Have you ever dated someone your parents hated? 30 Do you think being famous is easy? — Would you kill someone who wants to rape you? We shared things that we haven't shared with other people before and became much closer.

100 Best Never Have I Ever Questions to Ask Your Friends and More

How would you deal with betrayal? Do you get stage fright? 17 Why do people hate pickles? Putting personal questions in the form of hypothetical questions may be the best way to break the ice if you are not sure how to broach the subject with a friend.

400+ Embarrassing Truth or Dare Questions to Ask Your Friends

What would you say to them? Do you volunteer at a charity? If you have an open relationship with someone posing deep questions, asking a guy may be easier, especially if you are good friends.

110 Deep Questions To Ask Your Friends

49 Age you most wish yourself to go back to? Thoughtful Questions Do you want to go to college in-state or out of state? Somehow, I believe that you do.

175 Questions To Ask Your Friends (BFF Deep Personal Questions)

What movie did you start watching expecting it to be horrible but it was actually pretty good? If you could be any object, which would you be and why? — Do you see yourself in this relationship in 5 years? Get curious about your loved ones, their thoughts and dreams, their perspectives on the world and life.