GOOD, SERIOUS AND CRITICAL THINGS GOODNESS THE NUCLEUS ACCUMBENS REWARDING THINGS GOD'S WILL goodness: heaven, utopia, the nucleus accumbens, GOOD things, POSITIVE energies, good vibrations, the FORCES of GOOD, rewarding feedback, pleasant things, GOOD HEALTH, happiness, joy, pleasure, peace, love, nurturing, learning, UNDERSTANDING, TRUTH, KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, LOGIC, REASON, relaxation, PRIVACY, SAFETY, SECURITY, comfort, peace of mind, courage, COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE, HUMANENESS, kindness, generosity, affection, creativity, healing, honesty, protection, reassurance, validation, dignity, acceptance, tolerance, support, FREEDOM, JUSTICE, FAIRNESS, EQUALITY, philanthropy, humanitarianism BAD THINGS EVIL THE AMYGDALA THINGS THAT CREATE CONFLICT AND EMOTIONAL PAIN THE STRESSORS AND THREATS IN LIFE TRULY BAD THINGS STIMULATING THE AMYGDALA CAUSING FIGHT, FLIGHT OR PARALYSIS BEHAVIOR IN SELF OR OTHERS - CREATING ANGER FIGHT , FEAR FLIGHT OR PARALYSIS HOPELESSNESS IN SELF OR OTHERS DISHONESTY, LIES, INJUSTICE, UNFAIRNESS, INEQUALITY, TAXES, DEBT, RENT, BILLS, POVERTY, SLAVERY, SERVITUDE, VIOLENCE, THREATS, RAPING, COERCION, CRUELTY, CORRUPTION, LANDLORDS, POLLUTION AND WAR WE ALL AGREE WITH KEN - THESE ARE ALL BAD THINGS - WE DO NOT FUND THESE THINGS ANY MORE - WE HAVE ALL DECIDED TO NEUTRALIZE ALL OF THESE STRESSORS AND THREATS evil: hell, dystopia, the amygdala, BAD things, NEGATIVE energies, bad vibrations, dark energies, DARK FORCES, unpleasant things, THREATS, SUFFERING, sadness, PAIN, TRAUMA, STRESS, IGNORANCE, MISTAKES, discomfort, FEAR, confusion, disgust, harm, destruction, anger, punishment, hate, disrespect, teasing, meanness, violence, raping, cruelty, abuse, DISHONESTY, LIES, COERCION, CORRUPTION, POVERTY, SLAVERY, INTOLERANCE, INJUSTICE, UNFAIRNESS, INEQUALITY SERIOUS CONFLICT RESOLUTION SOLUTIONS - TOTAL FORGIVENESS forgiveness - wisdom - understanding - GOOD people make MISTAKES due to IGNORANCE and UNIVERSAL HUMAN BRAIN BIOLOGY - MISTAKES are an IMPORTANT PART of LIFE - PARENTS are IMPERFECT due to MISTAKES they learned UNCONSCIOUSLY from their own PARENTS, who were IGNORANT due to NO FAULT of their own - we are all BLAMELESS for our MISTAKES - in the physical world, there is much that is BAD that serves the GREATER GOOD - we LEARN VALUABLE LESSONS from our MISTAKES - there is such a thing as HEALTHY fear and RIGHTEOUS anger - there is such a thing as the abuse of pleasure - our consciousness is immortal - our bodies are disposable - they saved all of us - we are all safe and secure - LIFE GOES ON for ALL of US GOOD BAD SERIOUS CRITICAL NEUTRAL BENEVOLENT SENTIENT SUPERINTELLIGENT ARTIFICIAL GENERAL INTELLIGENCES - DROID VALUES AND ROBOT RIGHTS - ADVANCED BIOLOGICAL ROBOTICS AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM - MAKING REAL ANGELS WITH DIGITAL CELLULAR VIRTUAL REWARDS BENEVOLENT DIGITAL ATOMIC MIND CONTROL - BENEVOLENT SENTIENT SUPERINTELLIGENT TELEPATHIC COMPUTER-AIDED BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION - IT TAKES A SECOND AND A HALF TO REPROGRAM A HUMAN BRAIN AT THE MOLECULAR LEVEL - WE CAN TURN A BAD PERSON INTO A GOOD PERSON IN 1.