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The term may also be applied to the practice of undressing or otherwise exposing a female partner to others.

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com is updated by our users community with new Candaulisme Pics every day! Similarly, the term may also be applied to the posting of personal images of a female partner on the internet or urging her to wear clothing which reveals her physical attractiveness to others, such as by wearing very brief clothing, such as a , or or a low-cut top.

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We are working hard to be the best Candaulisme Pics site on the web! It was disclosed that he had taken explicit photographs of his wife and sent them to a friend.


, Le roi Candaule 1901• Candaulism is also associated with and.

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Later, Hanssen appropriated video equipment from the FBI to set up to allow his friend to watch from his guest bedroom.


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Barbara Foster, Michael Foster, Letha Hadady.


Historical instances [ ] In the 1782 case of against George Bissett for "" —that is, adultery with —it was revealed that Sir Richard assisted Bissett to spy on Lady Worsley taking a bath.

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King of ancient , according to the story, conceived a plot to show his unaware naked wife to his servant.