regenbogen liedtext sorted by


Songtext von Wincent Weiss

Ich schenk dir einen Regenbogen Ich schenk dir einen Regenbogen, rot und gelb und blau.

Songtext von Wincent Weiss

Today is a good day, to give herself the golden shot.

Songtext von Kerstin Ott


Text: Volker Rosin

Ich schenk' dir einen Kuchenherz, drauf steht: Ich mag dich so! Ich sag's dir leis ins Ohr.

Songtext von Kerstin Ott


Text: Volker Rosin

Heute ist ein guter Tag, um sich den Goldenen Schuss zu geben.

Songtext von Wincent Weiss

Ich sags dir leis ins Ohr! Nein, ich verrats dir nicht! And he drowned his depression in quaffing in his coma [Chorus] [Verse: 3] Yes I hear you crying you the shower And the loud scream won't even release you from this deep rage ever You reproach yourself, you have done everything just for him To pay up for his bloody heroin It became more and more, and the depts came also He didn't belong to those men who were patient And she couldn't understand what he wanted He forced her to walk the streets just for his addiction Yes she had participated She wame home everynight She has trembled, cried, her face was pallid Her wounds will never heal again She has never forgiven him again, this bastard She heard voices when she was sleeping She's at the slippage She looks in the mirror and can see through herself Where is her desire to live? Ich schenk' dir einen Luftballon, er schwebt ganz leicht empor.

Songtext von Kerstin Ott

Ich schenk' dir einen Kieselstein, den ich am Wege fand.

Songtext Ich schenk' dir einen Regenbogen von Dorothee Kreusch

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Songtext von Wincent Weiss

von Die neuesten Liedertexte aus unserem Archiv• Ich schenk' dir einen Regenbogen rot und gelb und blau.

Das Lied vom kleinen Regenbogen

Weitere Liedertexte aus unserem Archiv• [Verse: 1] You think your life couldn't actually go worse And inside of you is a great big heap of ruins And everytime something good happens, it hurts you Because you possibily lose it You would like to have a look at the future You feel old and therefore you're not like all the other youn people Look at an outsider, just because she loves black Her teacher said that one can see a psychopath in her And the other girls also turn her away This is the reason why she hides herself before the looks And she would like to laugh, but how could she laugh when she's, everyday, Cowered alone in the class And she wears make-up as if she was dead And for a little bit of fun she pays for drugs She would like to get out so much, she would like to be dust so much And she looks at the stars [Chorus] Life is like a rainbow, For a short time, everything's fine, But unfortunately this rain will always come for you Cause this rain, that pushes the sun away, Shows that all the good is just transitory Life is like a rainbow, For a short time, everything's fine, But unfortunately this rain will always come for you Cause this rain, that pushes the sun away, Shows that all the good is just transitory [Verse: 2] You put on the blanket over you head Cause your parents argue, the time has come They'll divorce You hear your mother cry in the kitchen again And soon for a long time you'll eat down this shit They wanted to embolden you, it wasn't finally over It's just a physical separation for some time But he didn't believe his parents He wasn't a little kid, after all they were both blind at what he felt He broke down because of it, so he ran away from home His whole life was a heap of filth And this life wasn't worth to him Yes this life was anything but fair This boy felt himself left alone He didn't want to come back ever again Because he had grown the feeling that they both hated him He asked : why did everything happen like that? Ich schenk' dir hundert Seifenblasen, die spiegeln mein Gesicht.