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ich wünsche dir eine Schöne Woche

In the evening a storm front moved through and the next day the beach was was full of washed up branches and parts from one of the rafts.

ich wünsche dir eine schöne Woche Englisch Übersetzung

] If, during the 1979 election campaign, somebody had said that, on 1 May 2004, the European Unions Member States would include three nations occupied by the Soviet Union those being Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the Warsaw Pact states of Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, part of Communist Yugoslavia, not to mention Malta and Cyprus the latter of which will, we hope, one not too distant day be a united country then, in 1979, when the European Parliament was directly elected for [.

ich wünsche dir eine schöne Woche Englisch Übersetzung

With kind regards Wolfgang A.

ich wünsche eine schöne Woche

by the Fellowship of Reconciliation before the "Wende" with Christians in the peace movement in East Germany, visits in Bammental and participating in DMFK meetings, an Anglican Peace Fellowship meeting and gatherings of the Initiative Shalom, retreats at Grandchamp, the chance to meet and hear Hildegard Goss-Mayr, an Eirene gathering in the Hunsruck, and many other encounters.

ich wünsche ihnen ein schönes Wochenende

Ich freue mich auf Sie! Nur, was mal originell und modern war, ist mittlerweile nichts Besonderes mehr und so mancher Schriftverkehr gleicht einem Wetterbericht.

ich wünsche ihnen ein schönes Wochenende

Mr President , I am n ot going to make a political speech, but sim pl y wan ted to say, si nce you will shortly be announcing the end of the present sitting, before the summer holidays, that on behalf of the European Commission I wish you personally, Mr President, and all th e Members here today a s well as those who have b een here a ll week, h ap py h olid ays, and ma y you a ll have a good rest and rec ov er your st rength.

Ich wünsche ein erfolgreiche restliche Woche!

way round: we as designers have the task to free ourselves from the wishes, demands or expectations of our customers in order to come up with a surprising and better solution to design something new with improved functionality.

Ich wünsche Dir eine sehr schöne neue Woche Image #137302058

] I hope that similar considerations and opportunities will all be taken into account together at the forthcoming Spring Council, and I would quietly point out, by way of conclusion, th at there has to be institutional coordination of economic and social policies in the euro zone, coordination capable of taking majority decisions and showing, not least in the work of the Convention, that the enlargement of the Union which we are determined to make every effort to achieve will not hinder the progress or dampen the vitality of the European Union in the search for new, more advanced forms of integration.

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wir haben die pflicht, nein zu sagen, weil es genug dummheit gibt.

Ich wünsche Dir eine sehr schöne neue Woche Image #137302058

We wish you all a great week full of valuable feedback.

wünsche ich eine schöne Woche!

i wish you in sp irat ion and pleasant reading.